Wednesday, January 1
Last blogged @ 06:00

Assalamualaikum Dear Readers

I pray that you are in the pink of health and in the best state of iman upon reading this blog post.

I headed to Bedok South hawker centre with my family of five this morning to purchase packed breakfast

1. Nasi Jenganan for Ibu, Ayah, Mak Ngah, Pak Ngah and Kasim
2. Nasi Rawon for myself
3. Roti Prata for Hadi

afterwhich we headed to Mak Ngah and Pak Ngah's place for our morning meal.

We then headed to White Sands mid-morning to patronise Sports Link in the hopes of surveying for a new pair of running shoes for myself and track pants for Kasim; Bata to search for Kasim's sandals and NTUC for some kitchen essentials and F&B.

May Allah bless us all. Amin.

Kakak Princess

Nur Ain Binte Abdul Razak
Muslimah, Daughter & Sister.

NTU Biological Sciences
Part-Time Optometrist
Intifadhah Kg Pasiran Youth

August 2012 November 2012 January 2013 March 2013 May 2013 January 2014

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